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Laser Vision Eye Care Center

Are animal eyes the same as human eyes?

In the animal kingdom, vision is dependent on environment and evolution. As a result, an animal’s vision is highly adapted to their surroundings whether on land, in the air, or in the sea. Some animals supplement their poor vision with other senses becoming more developed. Therefore, eyes can vary greatly from species to species. Here…
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Can Coronavirus affect my eyes?

Coronavirus causes fever, cough and shortness of breath which can show up 2 to 14 days after a person is exposed. People with severe infections can develop pneumonia and die from complications of the illness. Limiting eye exposure can help. Here’s why: When a sick person coughs or talks, virus particles can spray from their…
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Why are my eyes changing color?

People have always been fascinated about eye color and is the main reason why many buy cosmetic colored contact lenses to change their appearance. There are a number of reasons why eye color can change on its own. Before discussing what can change eye color, one needs to understand what gives our eyes their natural…
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Why Does My Eyelid Twitch?

An eyelid twitch is a repetitive spasm or slight movement of the eyelid muscles. The medical term for this is called “myokymia.” These movements are involuntary, meaning that they are out of one’s control. The eyelid twitch usually occurs in the upper lid, but it can occur in either the upper or lower lids. The…
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Can smoking affect my vision?

It is well known that smoking (whether it is with cigarettes, cigars, or pipes) can cause severe heart and lung problems, cancer, strokes and other diseases. However, many people do not know that smoking is just as dangerous for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body.  There have been many recent…
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Marijuana and Glaucoma

More than half of the states in America have legalized medical marijuana in some form, and more are considering bills to do the same. The greatest amount of evidence for the therapeutic effects of cannabis relate to its ability to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, and spasticity [tight or stiff…
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Should I search the internet to treat my eye symptoms?

A recent study found that 96% of the people in the United States (over 300 million people) actively use the internet every day, and 25% of them are almost constantly online. It is estimated that nearly 70% of Americans search the internet for health related information and ways to treat their symptoms before contacting a…
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Why am I losing my eyelashes?

Eyelashes provide more than just a cosmetic appeal to one’s eyes. They are designed to protect the eyeball from airborne debris that can cause injury and infection. It is normal for some eyelashes to fall out on a daily basis. In fact, people lose between one and five eyelashes each day. It normally takes between…
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Can laser pointers cause blindness?

There are many different types of laser devices that are used all the time in our everyday activities. These lasers can be seen in the checkout scanning machines in stores, security machines, DJ shows, printers, and computers.   Another commonly used laser is the laser pointer which is sometimes sold over the counter as a toy….
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Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation And Your Eyes

The sun provides the necessary energy for life on this planet. However, it also exposes all of us to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Other sources of UV radiation are man-made and include tanning beds, welding machines, and various lasers. Most people, especially those of us who live in Florida, know how harmful UV radiation is to…
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